What is the correct way of using SOQL in outsystems using "QueryString" actions?
I have an app called vicinity in my salesforce which gives me the nearby locations.
I am trying to do similar functionality using outsystems and connecting to salesforce.
Below soql query works in salesforce to get the required fields
SELECT Name, Email, Phone, MailingAddress, MailingStreet, MailingCity, MailingState, MailingCountry, MailingLatitude, MailingLongitude FROM Contact
WHERE distance(MailingAddress, geolocation(42.565368, -71.129824), 'mi') < 50
ORDER BY distance(MailingAddress, geolocation(42.565368, -71.129824), 'mi')
But to use such query in outsystems I could not find fields like MailingAddress, MailingLongitude and distance function etc. to serve the need because the query in outssytems holds good for the fields only available from the structure (such as Contact structure here)
Is there a flexibility to use SOQL queries such as above in outsystems that would give me the values by querying the salesforce.
Help in this regard is appreciated!! Thanks!!
What is the correct way of using SOQL in outsystems using "QueryString" actions?
I have an app called vicinity in my salesforce which gives me the nearby locations.
I am trying to do similar functionality using outsystems and connecting to salesforce.
Below soql query works in salesforce to get the required fields
SELECT Name, Email, Phone, MailingAddress, MailingStreet, MailingCity, MailingState, MailingCountry, MailingLatitude, MailingLongitude FROM Contact
WHERE distance(MailingAddress, geolocation(42.565368, -71.129824), 'mi') < 50
ORDER BY distance(MailingAddress, geolocation(42.565368, -71.129824), 'mi')
But to use such query in outsystems I could not find fields like MailingAddress, MailingLongitude and distance function etc. to serve the need because the query in outssytems holds good for the fields only available from the structure (such as Contact structure here)
Is there a flexibility to use SOQL queries such as above in outsystems that would give me the values by querying the salesforce.
Help in this regard is appreciated!! Thanks!!