Hi Guys,
There is a bug on our production eviroment running on Version 9.1.300.0.
The following query filter doesnt work anymore:
entity.id = inputpar or
inputpar = NullIdentifier()
The NullIdenfier() is return a integer only as default table index OS now creates long integers.
We fixed this by using:
entity.id = inputar or
inputpar = LongIntegerToIdentifier(NullIdentifier())
There is a bug on our production eviroment running on Version 9.1.300.0.
The following query filter doesnt work anymore:
entity.id = inputpar or
inputpar = NullIdentifier()
The NullIdenfier() is return a integer only as default table index OS now creates long integers.
We fixed this by using:
entity.id = inputar or
inputpar = LongIntegerToIdentifier(NullIdentifier())