Here's what I believe or the answers to your questions based on my Outsystems experience.
0 - Yes, AWS hosts all the personal edition instances of Outsystems so it can host yours.
1 - Outsystems has a built-in login mechanism but if that isn't good enough there are other protocols (Oath2, LDAP, etc.) that can be used.
2 - A built-in widget and several Forge components allow file uploads.
3 - You would have to write logic to do this but it is very doable. User uploads the file, your code opens the file and does the necessary validation and puts errors in an error table and then reports any errors to the user reading this table.
4 - Enhance step 3 to not only capture errors in a table but capture the input data as well so the user can edit it.
5 - The platform has a very good email capability but you will have to use data in the database and some logic to maintain distribution lists and events.
6 - Any auditing is completely up to you. Your logic from steps 3 and 4 could be enhanced to write detailed audit information - user, files uploaded, size, number of records, edits, etc.
I would suggest that the validation portions of this would take someone with some Outsystems experience in order to get it done in a timely manner, no different than finding someone to do this in Java or .Net. If you are not a software developer and choose to try this yourself you will become quickly frustrated as you would with any other language.
Hope this helps,
0 - Yes, AWS hosts all the personal edition instances of Outsystems so it can host yours.
1 - Outsystems has a built-in login mechanism but if that isn't good enough there are other protocols (Oath2, LDAP, etc.) that can be used.
2 - A built-in widget and several Forge components allow file uploads.
3 - You would have to write logic to do this but it is very doable. User uploads the file, your code opens the file and does the necessary validation and puts errors in an error table and then reports any errors to the user reading this table.
4 - Enhance step 3 to not only capture errors in a table but capture the input data as well so the user can edit it.
5 - The platform has a very good email capability but you will have to use data in the database and some logic to maintain distribution lists and events.
6 - Any auditing is completely up to you. Your logic from steps 3 and 4 could be enhanced to write detailed audit information - user, files uploaded, size, number of records, edits, etc.
I would suggest that the validation portions of this would take someone with some Outsystems experience in order to get it done in a timely manner, no different than finding someone to do this in Java or .Net. If you are not a software developer and choose to try this yourself you will become quickly frustrated as you would with any other language.
Hope this helps,