MAC Address won't help you locate anyone - it's the ID of the device regardless of it's location. You need IP address but in the situation you describe that will likely not be good enough, depending on whether the device is using cellular or wi-fi. If cellular, no have no chance of getting anything better then what GPS gives you beause the cell location is a fairly broad area. On wi-fi it will depend on the network topology within the building. If the wi-fi has been set up as a separate router for each floor than you MIGHT be able to do what you want, otherwise no. I believe the ardoHTTP component can get you the IP address but given these issues is probably not worth it.
The bottom line is that if your application is dependent on the exact location, including the floor, it will never work reliably enough to be of value in my opinion.
Sorry for the bad news,
The bottom line is that if your application is dependent on the exact location, including the floor, it will never work reliably enough to be of value in my opinion.
Sorry for the bad news,