[Forums] Binding input box to a list element
Good morning, TableRecords is exactly what I'm trying to avoid, as I need to have a custom defined UI, which is only possible with "hardcoded" label and input boxes. What I have at the moment is two...
View Article[Forums] Component Name is dynamically added by outsystems
Hi, Also, if the problem of the data amount is the viewstate there are some threads in the forum about how to reduce it. How much is the size of your request content when it fails? Regards, João Rosado
View Article[Forums] Unable to use charts in Email
Hi Nagesh, First, the reason why charts in an e-mail do not work, is that charts are SVG (vector) images, and not many e-mail programs will render those correctly. Not to mention that there's probably...
View Article[Forums] Encrypt function
Or you could use the CryptoAPI from the Forge:http://www.outsystems.com/forge/component/437/cryptoapi/
View Article[Forums] Bug Report: SQL Commenting that screw up queries
This is absolutely true, and very valuable advise, but this has been the case since always (well, at least 4.2 which was the first version I worked with). The cause is that the Platform will put...
View Article[Forums] Stop a timer
You corrected forgetting to say something after almost exactly four months? Wow... And that after you already necroed this thread after more than seven years...
View Article[Forums] Unable to use charts in Email
Thanks for the reply Hekhuis. Yes i need to save my chart in server side, so that while generating mail i can dynamically add the chart image into mail.
View Article[Forums] Adding Java script to a page to refresh it
I'm not sure what you mean here. Should it look like this:<scripttype="text/javascript">setTimeout(function () { location.fakenotifymessage(); }, 3000);</script> In the meanwhile I have...
View Article[Forums] Adding Java script to a page to refresh it
The last one was recommended on another OutSystems post. One thing I'm concerned about is syntax. Please let me know if you think that might not work for any reason.
View Article[Forums] Input "On Change" is too fast
Hi Pedro, That's what Ricardo also mentioned, he just made a typo in the example.
View Article[Forums] Currency: accept a dot and a comma as separator.
Hi, I'm making a form where a person can enter their hourly rate. A dot is the standard as a seperator, but in Holland we use a comma. Now I wan't my form to accept both when I validate. I have used...
View Article[Forums] Service Studio Screen Render issues
Hi Daniel, I honestly don't know what you mean. Service Studio is a Windows program, written in C# (at least that's what I've understood). I've never seen such issues in Windows. What version of...
View Article[Forums] Currency: accept a dot and a comma as separator.
Hi Bert, The only thing you can do is have the input be Text, and validate the input text yourself, server side.
View Article[Forums] Currency: accept a dot and a comma as separator.
so what are you asking exactly? you can change validation to none or server only for example. you can set the valid-state on server side yourself to override stuff..
View Article[Forums] Bug Report: SQL Commenting that screw up queries
I too encountered same problem one year before hence avoiding comments in Advance Queries.
View Article[Forums] Adding Java script to a page to refresh it
no, check out the fakenotifywidget (webblock) in richwidgets. place that webblock on your screen with a name (for example 'fake' ) this will also need a onchange desitination, which will be the...
View Article[Forums] Using Aggregate to get only the count
Hi guys, so, here in my company we are having a small discussion regarding Aggregates and counts. Imagine that you have an action with an Aggregate and an assign that gets the Aggregate.Count property...
View Article[Forums] Service Studio Screen Render issues
I'm using the cloud-based dev environment. I'm on windows 7. I've only ever seen this type of problem on a Java-based web app and I was able to resolve it in the past by clearing the cache. It looks...
View Article[Forums] Sorted column not removing after page refreshed
Hi, I have applied sorting to a list. When I sort column values and then I refreshed page column still highlighted.Actually sorting removed from table. I have attached two screen shots which shows...
View Article[Forums] Stop a timer
I had this issue again. I saw the post again and it wasn't the complete procedure I have done. Doing the right thing is never wrong... Thank you for answering after 7 years and 4 months
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