[Forums] backgroundDownload undefined
Hi Lawrence, In order to use this functionality, you need to customize OutSystems Now and add that cordova plugin. You can see in this post that has a video, how to do it to iOS. Let me know if this...
View Article[Forums] How can i access a widget inside a web block
Hi All, I am not able to access a widget which is inside a web block in a page which contains that webblock. I Have a webpage,webblock and a component(input widget). input widget is inside webblock...
View Article[Forums] Update Data for Entity
For the application I am curently working on I have already bootstraped data from excel files to populate the database for my entities. I would like to know how I may be able to bootstrap the same...
View Article[Forums] Extension objects usage during calls
Hi Ricardo, By classes you mean the extension main class where you write the actions? I'm pretty sure that it is a singleton in most cases, but you sould not assume it. I would recommend you to avoid...
View Article[Forums] Dificuldade com Max. Records Aggregate
Boa tarde a todos, estou tentando trazer uma quantidade limite de dados do banco de dados, mas não esta funcionando os parametros que estou passando para o TableWidget(BATable) e para o Max. Records do...
View Article[Forums] Problem installing Community 8.0 version
Hi Hermínio, Not really, the connection done via configuration tool is about the same that is done on the services...so if it works there it is strange that doesn't work after. Are you using Sql...
View Article[Forums] Search by Date Help
I am creating a search filter by date. When I go to the browser the search field is automatically populated with the date 1900-01-01, so below no data is shown because it does not fit the search...
View Article[Forums] Search by Date Help
Just set the Null Value of the input to 1900-01-01 or NullDate().
View Article[Forums] How can i access a widget inside a web block
That is because the input is not in the scope of the page. You can't access elements inside the webblock in the webpage. To access the input value, you can notify this to the page when it changes or...
View Article[Forums] Service Studio Screen Render issues
Yes. Like I said, I cleared the Java cache because I was grasping at straws. The very first thing I did was check task manager. Around 300MB used by SS. I've got 8GB of memory on my machine, and was...
View Article[Forums] IntegratedSecurityGetDetails blank
In OnSessionStart i'm calling IntegratedSecurityGetDetails. The first time i load the browser and the app i noticed that the username is "" but then a security exception is thrown and the NoPermission...
View Article[Forums] Editable tables - What if you don’t need all the features?!
How can an action triggered by an onChange in a field previous to the EditTable, automatically "click" the "Add Record" behavior...(This way users dont have to know they have to click on the row to...
View Article[Forums] Update Data for Entity
Hi Pied, In order to update your database with new excel file, perform these steps. 1. Create file upload control (Preferably pop-up) 2. Create one button "Import". 3. On import action, iterate through...
View Article[Forums] How to get value from combo box
Good Morning, I have created combo box (drop down) by assigning only special list values as Value1 0 Option 1 Select Type Value2 1 Option 2 Datasheet In my screen action (here action is for Export...
View Article[Forums] [Silk UI Platform] Calendar javascript supported dateformats
I've got the impression that I could use all kinds of dateformats based on the mouseover in the DateFormat field of the Silk UI Calender widget, but when I look at the JavaScript in the widget I can...
View Article[Forums] sort the table record
Kilian Hekhuis wrote: Hi eric, Scaffolding is the process by which Service Studio creates a page for you. OutSystems calls this (or called this) IntelliWarp. I've created a short video that shows how...
View Article[Forums] Name cannot begin with the ' ' character, hexadecimal value 0x20....
Hello, I am reading contents of an XML/XLIFF file. Suppose, I have a tag like this<target>.ABC <x id="1" ctype="lb">DEF <x id="2" ctype="lb"> </target> Then it's working fine....
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