[Ideas] [Integration Studio] Import database, add the ability to detect when...
If you sync a database and use a deleted table in your app, an error will occur. When using the "Import database" feature via Integration Studio, add the ability to detect when a table you've added...
View Article[Ideas] [Integration Studio] When a database is imported, all naming should...
When a database is imported, all naming should be converted to camel casing (alias), in order for the imported database entities to display and use correctly with scaffolding via service...
View Article[Ideas] Consume REST services - put the full response (including headers) in...
It's impossible to debug these things without it. J.Ja
View Article[Ideas] Turn the SortRecordList (extension) into a built-in/system action
Turn the SortRecordList [http://www.outsystems.com/forums/discussion/12518/platform-version/] into a built-in/system action.
View Article[Ideas] Aggregate with distinct
Aggregate should have an option to remove duplicates. I see this as a new tab like "Sorting" where you could select the column you want to remove duplicates.
View Article[Downloads] Platform Server Connector for WebLogic
What's New in support to Edge Browser (#991318)Fixed in error editing Database Catalog description in Service Center (#867581)Fixed SEO Site rules not being applied in...
View Article[Downloads] Platform Server Connector for JBoss 7 Community
What's New in support to Edge Browser (#991318)Fixed in error editing Database Catalog description in Service Center (#867581)Fixed SEO Site rules not being applied in...
View Article[Downloads] Development Environment
Fixed in StudioPerformance improvements to Add/Remove references dialog window (#1022476)Integration StudioAdded option to set Java location in Integration Studio...
View Article[Ideas] BPT: Rollback\Undo Activities
In Service Center Process Management we could have the ability to undo / rollback the activities, one by one or directly to some point in the process. This would be very usefull in situations where...
View Article[Ideas] [Service Studio] Completely disable input where property "Enabled=false"
When Input.Enabled property has been set to false, a user can not interact with the input widget (he can not modify the value).The input field is now disable however if the user use chrome he/she could...
View Article[Ideas] Expose REST web service: Add versioning control
An exposed REST web service is consumed by various applications (mostly external applications). Since we do not have control over external applications consuming our REST web service - changing an...
View Article[Downloads] OutSystems Platform 9 - Offline Documentation
There are situations in which OutSystems developers may not have access to the Web, therefore, may not be able to reach online documentation. To overcome these offline situations, OutSystems produces...
View Article[Ideas] Delete reminders directly from TrueChange tab
It should be possible to delete reminders directly from the context menu or the delete keyboard key in the TrueChange tab of Service Studio.
View Article[Ideas] Be sure default text values for an entity attribute will fit
This idea is the result of my stupid mistake but it seems like a simple thing to implement. I couldn't figure out why I kept getting 'String or Binary Text truncation error' when I was attempting to...
View Article[Ideas] Merge all the BPT APIs
There are 4 producers with BPT actions: System, BPT API, EPA_TaskBox, EPA_TaskBoxExtension. There should be just one API for BPT, or at least 2 (BPT API and EPA API). All the BPT actions from System...
View Article[Ideas] IN clause in Aggregates
Hi, I've run into this a few times. I would like to have the ability to do a simple query with an IN clause, without having to rely on advanced queries. It should accept a list of <myTable>...
View Article[Downloads] Development Environment
Fixed in StudioText widget can be edited from the widget tree (#1026106)Fixed crash when switching to an eSpace with the Entity Diagram opened (#526476)Fixed crash in various scenarios...
View Article[Downloads] Platform Server
Fixed in compilation error when a directory from "share" folder is open in explorer (#283909)Fixed DBCleaner delete attributes that were deleted but recreated later. (#1026692)Fixed...
View Article[Downloads] Platform Server Core for Java
Fixed in DatePicker inside Forms not working in Chrome in Windows with touch interface enabled (#893682)Improved Security in System eSpaces Web Screens (#1014894 #1014896)Fixed...
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