[Forums] "Specificed cast not valid" when using session variable in aggegrate...
When I try to use a session variable in an aggegrate (filter) or logic (if) then the message appears: "Specificed cast not valid" The types are the same (Product Identifier). I reconstructed the...
View Article[Forums] Is it possible to get a widget by its ID?
Ok thanks. I think I can change the validation message, but I'm not being able to change the Widget attribute Valid to false. Is it also customizable through JS?
View Article[Ideas] Check-in comments
In OutSystems Platform publishing is like comitting your changes to Version Management. It would be extremely helpful to be able to add comments on the 1 Click Publish process. This would be even more...
View Article[Ideas] Audit Service Center User Actions
User actions in service center aren't audited. One does not know who changed a webreference URL, site property or release a process activity, etc.
View Article[Ideas] eSpace level OnRequest event
It would be nice to have an onRequest event to set an action which would run every time any page in the eSpace was executed. It would avoid the issue of having to put any code that you want to execute...
View Article[Ideas] Allow to easily clean database
What about a button to clean the database? We all know that while developing we test the application with dummy data that sometimes starts to be to much! A way to clean all that stuff would be nice :)
View Article[Ideas] Allow an public action consumer to see the action user...
Would be great if it were possible to see the developer comments of a public action (action flow comments), or even a preview of the action flow
View Article[Ideas] Service Center - Version number on Licensing page
It's a bit hard to find the "About" page in Service Center to get the version number for licensing. It would be helpful to make the current version number really obvious on that page, perhaps right...
View Article[Ideas] Database integrity fix
It would be nice if we could right click on a Database Integrity Suggestion and have a context menu option to delete a column that is no longer used to fix the mismatch.
View Article[Ideas] SAP Logon ticket Widget
Many companies have a seperated SAP/Non-SAP infrastructure and organisational structure. SAP also have their own GUI and their own SSO (SAP Logon Tickets) strategy. It would be great to have a SAP...
View Article[Ideas] Database Housekeeping
After some years of development, the OutSystems database that supports a DEV environment have a lot of unused tables, attributes, system data, and also the process to remove the unused espaces doesn't...
View Article[Ideas] Provide full RichWidgets documentation
The RichWidgets components seem to be like the ugly sister of the product, where they don't have the same level of information as the rest of the system. Can we have full documentation for each...
View Article[Ideas] Fix the certifications mess
The Outsystems certification path is a real mess. It is always changing. I can't even find out where to find the online exams anymore. Are they gone? What about the my curriculum link in our profiles?...
View Article[Ideas] Possibility of translate on preview mode
After add locales instead of use the translations locale lists present on the interface-multilingual locales it woud be nice to have the possibility of select a text in preview mode on service studio...
View Article[Ideas] Personal Environment: Database Cleanup Function
Database Integrity Suggestion - Inconsistent database table and entity definitions: column 'OSUSR_45r_Restring.CLIENTTYPEID' exists in database, but there is no corresponding attribute in entity...
View Article[Ideas] ECT Provider - Search by ID
In the ECT Provider "Feedback List" screen it's not possible to search by the ID. If I have multiple pages with user feedback and I want to instantly get the feedback with ID XX, I cant do a simple...
View Article[Ideas] Bring back "executed sql" in aggregate
We are using the executed-sql heavily with the old simple queries. - decision to move from simple to advanced - juniors can learn better from those queries how to join etc. but for some reason it was...
View Article[Ideas] Improve the Structure Conversion tool
The new (v9) Conversion tool for mapping structures to one another, is a good improvement, but it would be great improvement when we could also use functions and variables in it.
View Article[Ideas] Text element content editable in properties
In my opinion it would be handy to have the text of a Text element editable also as property in the "property box" down-right of the screen. As a starting Outsystems developer i find it counter...
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