Channel: OutSystems Community
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[Ideas] Use image resource for custom icons of webblock, actions, etc.


When changing the icon of a webblock or action you now have to upload the icon from the local file system for each action. It would be nice if we could use images from within service studio. Thus avoiding the lookup from the file system.

[Ideas] [IDEAS] Search field


I kinda think this is the third or forth time someone creates this exact same idea.

If we had a search field on the Ideas page it might not happen anymore. :o)

[Ideas] Process maps


I propose we map our internal processes someplace, and make these publicly (internal only) accessible, so we may know how to engage / and what and when to expect an outcome.  

[Ideas] Add hyphen ("-") to the URL path


Add hyphen ("-") to the URL path

We're facing an issue when trying to define an URL Path with the hyphen (-) character. Service Studio indicates that there are invalid characters in the URL Path. SO please add hyphen("-") in the URL path. 

[Ideas] Static Entity Switch by Record Accelerators


I would like a component, accelerator, and or widget the makes the equivalent of a switch case statement for every record value of given Static Entity.


If a Static Identifier is dragged on stop of a switch statement, have ServiceStudio:

  • Generate an equal condition for each static record.
  • Label each condition with only the name of the static record.
  • Add an default assign widget to each condition.
  • Order the conditions based on the static record order property.


Create a new Switch widget for the UI similar to the If widget.  Its behavior would generate a placeholder for each static record value in the Static Entity.

Making switch statement by hand is very tedious and error prone.  Automating the process will increase productivity, readability, and improve quality.

[Ideas] Refresh Action

Enable Action to feflesh as query  

[Ideas] Download Application inside Service Studio


It would be great if you had the possibility to download an application (.oap file) directly from Service Studio, with no need to enter Service Center:

[Ideas] Name in JSON for REST structure attributes configurable at runtime


Some REST API providers (like JIRA Cloud for example) use dynamic attributes in the JSON data. These are in the case of JIRA Cloud linked to mandatory "custom" attributes related to objects like Epic and Story. The JSON name for these attributes varies in function of the JIRA Cloud environment instance, making it impossible to configure a REST service using the API once for different environments. 

In the example above, the Structure Attribute EpicName is named customfield_10002 for one environment and has a different sequence number for another cloud instance of their service. 

It would be helpful to have the Name in JSON configurable via an expression instead of being hard coded.

[Ideas] Java 1.6 End of life, please upgrade to Java 1.7

[Ideas] Application definition

It would be nice to have a way to define what other espaces compose an application besides the primary defined in ServiceStudio.

[Ideas] Need option "Extract to Action" in preparation as well


Hi Team,

Need option "Extract to Action" in preparation as well

[Ideas] Access Executed SQL from queries/aggregates


Sometimes we need to log the executed sql of some queries, or at debug time we need to check what was really sent to the DB. It would be nice that the queries\aggregates would have an extra output with that value. Instead of only List and Count, we would have List, Count and ExecutedSQL.

[Ideas] Users Application Bugs/Improvements

  1. Add a link to Edit a User instead of having to change the screen name in the browser url
  2. When clicking on an Application Role, show the Users associated with the Role rather than "No Users Found"
  3. Add a Tab showing users associated with any Role (show the Application Name next to the role and allow searching)

[Ideas] Currency Input Widget


Please create an official currency input input mask and formatter for input boxes for both web and mobile.  There are some forge components for this, but they are unreliable.  I have wasted hours and hours trying to get this working properly in OutSystems and so far it still doesn't work for either web or mobile.  It's frustrating a time-saving platform like OutSystems missing something so many users need.


  • Select prefix or suffix currency symbol.
  • Select currency symbol, group symbol, and decimal symbol.
  • Select number of decimals displayed.
  • In web, compatible with Ajax Refresh of the input widget.
  • In mobile, bind to a decimal or integer variable even when displaying currency symbol, group symbol, and decimal symbol.

[Ideas] Changing a 'DateTime' Attribute to a 'Date' Attribute - Confuses Conditional Statements

An entity was originally created containing a DateTime attribute. Later it was decided to change it to a Date attribute as the time portion became unnecessary. Of course, all of the comparisons to the 'current date' had to be changed from CurrDateTime() to CurrDate(). This was expected. However, even though the parsing detected no errors and publishing was permitted, the date comparisions fail. To verify the issue, I wrapped all of the attribute references in DateTimeToDate() functions even though the attribute had been changed to Date data type. This worked!

To efficiently correct the problem, I had to loop through the entire SQL table and update each datetime value (which OutSystems believes is already that) to manually clear off the time portion. 

When the SQL scripts are created during publishing, I think that this should be incorporated into the process when a DateTime attribute is changed to a Date attribute. 

[Ideas] Primary key for multiple columns (Composite keys)


I would like to see the support of using multiple columns as a primary key within OutSystems. This because we have a lot of primary keys that exist of multiple columns in our old system's database. 

[Ideas] Open .oap without Publishing it


If it is already possible, I could not manage to do it.

Any way, would be nice to open whole application (.opa) files without having to publish it on your environment .

Sometimes we download examples or how-to's directly from Forge just to see how it was made, and we can't open it as we do with e-spaces.

Usually I rename the extension to .zip to open only the e-spaces I want to see.

Would be nice if service studio let you do it, by opening or giving the choice to open the e-spaces individually. 

[Ideas] Control Ordering in Screen


Hi Team,

Required the new option at the control level for ordering of the control in screen.


[Ideas] ECT: Custom Status List

Instead of a static and very limited list of status (open / closed) ECT should give us the option to manage a list of status.
This way we could manage the status list the way we need and have more status than just open or closed.

I want to set feedbacks to different status like: 'canceled', 'in progress', 'waiting feedback', etc.

[Ideas] Generate SQL scripts


From the Config Tool it should be possible to 'Generate SQL script' to import under MS SQL Server.

This is something that is implemented for Oracle already, shouldn't be that much work to implement this for SQL.

This would make installation even better (for us), since you can now hand over the SQL scripts to your (friendly) DBA who can then execute the scripts for you. He might even improve performance a bit based on the installation of MS SQL!

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