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[Ideas] Display the PaaS provisioning state in LifeTime for self service requests


On a PaaS infrastructure, there are several scalability requests that are possible to be made via LifeTime (add new environments, front ends, increase database size).

Although we receive an email when the request is completed, the LifeTime interface does not show clearly the progress of the request.

Usability wise, it would be prefer to have this displayed in LifeTime, making all developers aware that when the environments/database / Front ends are ready for use (and not just the user that requested it as it happens on the email)

[Ideas] Advanced Search in Service Studio

What I personally mis at the moment is advanced search and showing result options of the search in Service Studio. For example, I only want to see all the "Feedback_Message" that have exactly that name. So I hit CTRL+F and type that in. The result I get include everything that has "Feedback_Message" written somewhere on that element. I my case, I don't want them to show. So besides sorting on 'Name', I would like to be able to rightclick 'Name' and 'Property' and opt out everything that doesn't have "Feedback_Message" as name or Name as property.

Even more practical would be if it was possilbe to set these parameters before clicking the search button, and the ability to change them after the search is done.

[Ideas] change "site properties" from cli (bash, cmd)


In some different environment customer IT security team close access to different servers, e.q. to production servers for dev's. But in some cases it's need to be changer some property of modules in site properties. Something may be like customer MQ service (it can be different for different envs) or some service IP addresses. And without access to prod by http from dev pc, i'ts hard to manage. But there is "LifeTime" server, that need access to all envs by http, so it can possibly change it, or send request to do it. Like it does "osptool" for publish solution pack to another env, will be great to have some cli tool to change "site properties" 

[Ideas] Default action per widget on Service Studio


Every time we drag and drop a Message widget onto a flow we immediately get an error because we haven't yet filled the Message text field.  So, we have to move the cursor over that property, select the input field and only now can we write the content of the Message.

Many other widgets have this "usual" usage pattern associated with it that, over time, consume so much time by dragging the mouse cursor, taking the hand over the mouse into the keyboard, write, put the hand again on the mouse, etc..

I would love to see "default actions" associated with widgets, for example, for the Message widget, after dropping it into a flow, the "Message" property input field would be focused allowing me to start writing right away.

Same goes for Assign, the focus element from that widget is the title but it seems to me that it would be more practical to focus the Assignments properties on the right panel.


João Gonçalves

[Ideas] Combo Box 'Special List' to accept dynamic values

I need the ability to set values which were dynamically determined to a Combo Box's "Special List".

[Ideas] Ability to call Screen Actions from JavaScript.


It would be nice if there was a native way to call screen actions from JavaScript.

Currently the best way to do this is to create a hidden button with the intended action and then clicking it from the JavaScript.

I was thinking this could be achieved by creating a JavaScript function call attribute of the screen action. Similar to how Widgets have a .Id attribute, actions could have something like a .JSFunction attribute that could be included in JavaScript that would then start the screen action. 

[Ideas] Something like SQL Functions

Focusing on SQL Table-value Functions. Something that will be similar to an Entity (to be used on Simple and Advance Queries) but the data is returned from an action or query.

Example1. When having hierarchies it's useful to centralize their structure in one query and then use it to join other tables, avoid cycles with 2,3 or 4 queries in each iteration.

Example2. When we have user info in n extended tables (USER, USER_EXT1, ...) we would like to return user info at once avoiding joining extended tables in each query that we have to make.

[Ideas] Lifetime - Invite user


When a Lifetime administrator has to set up a new user, he always has to create a new user account and define a password manually.

After creating the account he needs to go to his email client and write an email with the user credentials, the environment URL and ask for the user to change the password once he logs in.

There should be an easy way for a Lifetime administrator to invite a new user just by inserting the user's email.

The system could then send an automated email inviting the new user with the environment URL. The new user would just need to follow the URL and define his password.

This way, the provisioning of new users would be faster, with less manual tasks for the administrator, and also more secure since no passwords would be exchanged by email, no one but the user would have access to his password, and there wouldn't be the risk of the user not changing is password on his first login.

[Ideas] Listing or Directory plugin


Developing a Listing or Directory plugin which will be very useful for majority of the people who create apps easily. Ex: Real estate, Institutes, etc

Real estate app where the properties are listed with their features, ratings, prices, location, etc

[Ideas] Streamline the naming and versioning of minor releases


When I was looking at the download page, I noticed two version naming systems are currently in use:

For the IDE, on the downloads page we see the release "tag" (eg: "Development Environment 11 - Release 12").
But then, on studio, we see the version number (eg, "11.0.406.0")

Again, with platform server and lifetime this scenario repeats: on the download page the tag, on the software the version number. This creates a bit of confusion when one is trying to understand, e.g., which version of the platform server to download.

By looking into this article detailing the version naming system and this article detailing the release lifecycle, one can reach the conclusion that the tag on the download page refers to the release life cycle (the when) and the version number details the type of changes on the release (the what).

My suggestion is first and foremost to use a single naming system both on the software and the website, to avoid confusion. But going a little bit further, I would suggest adopting a simpler system where version number is based solely on the release (which in the end is the only thing the user cares about).  If as the article I previously linked suggests, there is predictability on the release cycle, then similarly to Ubtuntu, one can even make the date part of the versioning system, naming both the release and the version after the date, and if necessary, additional numbering for minor patches.

Additionally, it would be really, really nice if we had exactly this page, but with the download links on the tables.

Thank you for your time,

[Ideas] Allow community member discussion threads on a training video page


It would be nice, that community members can start/read discussions on each training video page on the outsystems.com/learn site.

So what I have in mind is a the page where the video is to have a discussion thread at the bottom of that page.

[Ideas] Lifetime Analytics to enabled / included mobile applications


With reference to this thread: https://www.outsystems.com/forums/discussion/31032/analyitcs-mobile-apps-in-lifetime/

Currently, lifetime Analytics only reports on web applications.

Please, enable reporting for mobile application on the server and network tabs. It is understandable that the client side of the mobile application would be difficult to report.

This functionality has been needed since P10 and is critical to delivering on the promise of platform analytics.

There is also an expectation being set on lifetime Analytics when the "Network" tab is selected: "Data collected when applications are running natively on a mobile device"

It would be great if the following information was made available:

Device type (tablet, mobile)

Network type (3G, 2G, the other G, wifi, slowfi)

OS Type and version (the 2 usual suspects)

Browser Type and version (webkit, blink, etc.)

Initial splash load time

Everything else that is reported on the server side for web applications



[Ideas] Allow additional application metadata in Service Studio


We would like to be able to add additional metadata to applications in Service Studio. You can now only enter an application name and a description. We would like to be able to also add:

- Owners (free format field to enter one or more names; alternatively a real list)

- Suite (free format field to enter a name for an application grouping)

These fields should also be searchable (separately).

Preferably, the system would remember the names entered and offer a drop-down that allows to select a previously used name or create a new one, but just some text fields would do for starters.

[Ideas] OutSystems Events app: please improve user experience


Hi all, I've attended NextStep Amsterdam this year and I'll be attending ODC next week. In both cases, I've used the OutSystems Events app to choose which talks to attend to. This didn't go as smooth as I've expected. 

Why? You scroll through the list of talks, you bump into an interesting title and you want to read more about it. You click, you get to the talk details, you read, and you want to get back to the list and proceed. You press back and you are back at the list of talks... but not from where you left it. You are back but at the start of the list. This is in my opinion not desirable. You already scanned through all the previous talks, you just want to continue scanning (at least I do :) ) from where you left.

Please, please, please make this happen this week still, make users happy, at least me :)


[Ideas] Add more customisable CSS properties


Just in general when you are changing the style using the Style Properties. Please include more properties like f.e. gradient background, border style (solid, dots etc.), letter-spacing.

These are just a couple of properties that come to mind, but there can always be more :-)


[Ideas] Add several images at a time - Service Studio



I know this is already possible if we attach them to a extention.

Althought it would be nice if we could select and add several images at a time on service studio. Adding folders to images on service studio would also help on their organization/management.


[Ideas] Debugger panel should be hide when we remove breakpoints


Hi Team,

Debugger panel should be hide when we remove breakpoints when we have no breakpoints available in action.


[Ideas] Improve the Structure Conversion tool


The new (v9) Conversion tool for mapping structures to one another, is a good improvement, but it would be great improvement when we could also use functions and variables in it.

[Ideas] Null values


Full widespread support for null values, in all layers: database, actions, ...

Not fake zeros disguised as nulls, but real thing, the ones that we can compare to is null. The ones that mean "I don't know the value for this... I don't even know if its zero"

[Ideas] [Service Studio] Keyboard shortcut for Add\Remove References

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