The silk Tab Control does not have the ability to change the viewed tab in code. I have had to use javascript (and I hate having to do that).
[Ideas] Action to change the viewed tab in code
[Ideas] Input Parameter Invisible
Hi Guys, We could tell (in the properties) if the input parameters of a Web Screen whether is or not it is visible in the URL.
[Ideas] alphabetically sort local variables
[Ideas] "Finally" Action Flow
For example, if I disable a control on the screen during some processing, I have to ensure that I reenable that control (the variable it's bound to) and refresh the control at BOTH the end of the screen action AND at the end of the exception handler.
A 'Finally' action flow on the screen would clean this up quite a bit.
The following should explain what I mean a bit better:
Start ---> End
Exception ---> End
Finally ---> End
[Ideas] Filter on solution and no solution in the forum
I want to filter on just the posts without a solution or just the posts with a solution.
If my search leads to many forum posts, it could be helpful to filter on the posts that actually have a solution.
On the other hand, a post with a reply might not have a proper answer yet, but will not come in the list of unanswered.
[Ideas] P11 Bring back "Cancel" for 1-Click Publish
In poor connection circumstances it's desperate to see never ending process. So I want to cancel it and continue instead.....
[Ideas] Custom Icons for BPT Processes
The idea is to apply the same mechanism of configuring Server Action's custom icons to BPT processes. This would mean:
- Inheriting the eSpace's icon;
- Having a specific icon for a process.
This would be good for a use case where there are different eSpaces/Applications dedicated to BPT with a complicated tree of dependencies.
[Ideas] Java and Oracle to the Personal Edition Would Be Nice!
[Ideas] Timestamp of publish actions
Publishing a espace/solution via service center can take some time. It might be handy to have the timestamp for each step in the publish.
For large solutions, I often launch the publish and continue working since I know it will take sometimes half on hour.
Now I have no idea which step took how long.
[Ideas] Changing the icon for WebBlock and Action
[Ideas] Input dynamic Max. Length
[Ideas] Container "Align" property generating CSS class
At this moment, when we set the "Align" property of a container, it generates the align property in the HTML.
- Align -> Right
- Generates: <div align="right"></div>
My proposal is to generate "system" classes the same way "OSInline" is added when a container doesn't have "Width" property set.
My suggestion is (following above example):
- Align -> Right
- Generates: <div class="OSAlignRight"></div>
.OSAlignRight {
text-align: right;
.ar .OSAlignRight {
text-align: left;
The motivation:
- I'm working in Arabic applications and it's a pain in the ass to go around that "align" property. Even after telling the whole dev team "don't use that crap, use our classes".
Please, also update the SILK UI "out-of-the-box" RTL stylesheet to override this system classes.
[Ideas] Add Do CASE Statement to Agile
As a developer I would love to have the "DO CASE" Statement added to the Agile Platform, so We can have a more effective control stucture:
DO CASECASE <lCondition1><statements>...[CASE <lCondition2>]<statements>...[OTHERWISE]<statements>...END[CASE]
[Ideas] Allow custom Exceptions to be public and referenced from other espaces
Showing what kind of exceptions are thrown in the tooltip of a user action would also be a good improvement
[Ideas] Mobile - Ability to add native SDK's to our Outsystems Apps
Some core functionalities can be only achieved using SDK's (Firebase have lots of great SDK's i would love to use). The use of Cordova Plugins is a great help but is far from covering most of the relevant scenarios
[Ideas] New feature: Don't let Service Studio Freeze and block so often
[Ideas] Learn: Add personal notes and away to filter them.
[Ideas] Environments management
When logging into Service Studio, it seems to remember the last 6 environments you connected to.
If you have a client with 5 or more environments, a personal environment, 2 partner environments, this list is never complete since only the last ones are saved. Either allow for a bigger history (last 20 for example), or allow for a complete management of environments where you can predefine the ones you want. This could include hostname, username, password, color coding, etc...
[Ideas] References Track and organization for Deployment
The purpose of this functionality would be to have a tool capable of organizing the modules in a project by layers and dependencies in such a way that when the time comes to deploy we have a project organization to refresh each module and republish it depending on the consumers who are missing updated references.
This could be completed with a dependency report, similar to a tree, where each reference is represented, side by side or bottom to top, depending on the layer. Like a guide showing the order of each module to be republished.
The idea is to facilitate the work of deployment managers in very large projects, when the time comes to deploy from one environment to the next, too much time is wasted refreshing each dependency or consumer with outdated references.
[Ideas] Choosing Button color in the properties area.
Hi everyone,
It would be great if we could change a Button background color ,and inside text color, in the properties area just like we define the visibility.
It could save a lot of time, instead of creating various classes in the css for diferent colored buttons.