When I was looking at the download page, I noticed two version naming systems are currently in use:
For the IDE, on the downloads page we see the release "tag" (eg: "Development Environment 11 - Release 12").
But then, on studio, we see the version number (eg, "11.0.406.0")
Again, with platform server and lifetime this scenario repeats: on the download page the tag, on the software the version number. This creates a bit of confusion when one is trying to understand, e.g., which version of the platform server to download.
By looking into this article detailing the version naming system and this article detailing the release lifecycle, one can reach the conclusion that the tag on the download page refers to the release life cycle (the when) and the version number details the type of changes on the release (the what).
My suggestion is first and foremost to use a single naming system both on the software and the website, to avoid confusion. But going a little bit further, I would suggest adopting a simpler system where version number is based solely on the release (which in the end is the only thing the user cares about). If as the article I previously linked suggests, there is predictability on the release cycle, then similarly to Ubtuntu, one can even make the date part of the versioning system, naming both the release and the version after the date, and if necessary, additional numbering for minor patches.
Additionally, it would be really, really nice if we had exactly this page, but with the download links on the tables.
Thank you for your time,