Ok...from the contents of that eSpace, I'd say you can't share a public URL so I can have look. But I think I found out the problem...would you mind tweaking the above code to:
Additionally, you need to escape your apostrophes (" ' ") inside the 'contentString' variable or ou'll be producing an invalid string literal.
Also: when you run into these types of problems, debugging the JavaScript source of the component could help (it's 'Map.js' file, inside one of the 'Google_Maps' source folder). Here's a small video of me on a test page, triggering the 'addMarkerEvent' function and breakpointing my way to completion.
"function() { var contentString = '<h3 style=\'margin:0\'>Jeronimo XXXXXX</h3><br>'+ '<strong>Phone: </strong>212XXXXXXX<br>'+ '<br>'+ '<strong>Morada:</strong><br>'+ 'R Santiago XXXXXXXXX<br>'+ 'Corroios, 28XX-6XX<br>'+ 'Portugal'; var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: contentString }); // Access this gMarker's map, set the center // to its position and zoom this.getMap().setCenter(this.getPosition()); this.getMap().setZoom(8); infowindow.open(this.getMap(), this); }"For some reason, the code is silently failing whenever we have multi-line strings, resulting in no JavaScript errors or even server-side calls. I guess it is somehow related to JavaScript not supporting multi-lined strings. I'd recommend using the 'string concatenation' method, since having the newlines there doesn't have any advantage.
Additionally, you need to escape your apostrophes (" ' ") inside the 'contentString' variable or ou'll be producing an invalid string literal.
Also: when you run into these types of problems, debugging the JavaScript source of the component could help (it's 'Map.js' file, inside one of the 'Google_Maps' source folder). Here's a small video of me on a test page, triggering the 'addMarkerEvent' function and breakpointing my way to completion.