First - thank you for great connector!
I have recently try to implement multiple scenarios to use facebook login on my app.
I'm testing with my fb profile I've granted "public_profile, email, user_friends" scopes permissions on fb login dialog, but User_Get action is still returning only Id and Name fieds filled with fb info. I have email associated with my fb account.
I would appreciate any sugegstion on why this happens and how can I get user email.
Thank you.
First - thank you for great connector!
I have recently try to implement multiple scenarios to use facebook login on my app.
I'm testing with my fb profile I've granted "public_profile, email, user_friends" scopes permissions on fb login dialog, but User_Get action is still returning only Id and Name fieds filled with fb info. I have email associated with my fb account.
I would appreciate any sugegstion on why this happens and how can I get user email.
Thank you.