[Forums] Column Filter Widget and RichWidgets List_SortColumn
Hello and thanks for this cool widget. If i use this widget on a column that can also be sorted (using the RichWidgets List_SortColumn widget) when the user filters (using the widget) it also sorts by...
View Article[Forums] Running query in runtime and testing in service studio
Hi Ricardo, Far as I know, there should be no difference in the generated queries, since Advanced Queries were designed in order to be able to run our own code without any interference of Outsystems...
View Article[Forums] Mandatory attributes
It's strange, I already had situations where I add a mandatory field and when try to update with a process executed outside of crud screen, gives database constrain error. Unless the behavior change on...
View Article[Forums] Social login
Problem solved by usig standart "Login" action from Systems Dependencies -> After Social Login new user record is created and asociated with social id - next time only user id is needed to perform...
View Article[Forums] Email is empty
Hi, First - thank you for great connector! I have recently try to implement multiple scenarios to use facebook login on my app. I'm testing with my fb profile I've granted "public_profile, email,...
View Article[Forums] Mandatory attributes
Nelson Inácio wrote: It's strange, I already had situations where I add a mandatory field and when try to update with a process executed outside of crud screen, gives database constrain error. Unless...
View Article[Forums] CSS and Javascript
Hi guys, I'm having some troubles integrating CSS code with Javascript functions. I'm trying to draw a plain checkbox with gray borders, when not checked. When the user checks it, I want the box to...
View Article[Forums] Problem to develop a lifetime plugin with Lifetime SDK
Hi Lucio. We are using the version. Best Regards, Willian Silva.
View Article[Forums] April 6th, 2016 - Website registration and authentication issues
No problem, but why post now about something happened on March 6th? Fix the date otherwise Outsystems had slacked for a month!
View Article[Forums] dynamically build the filter for an aggregate
So for all the grouping and calculated fields that I am going to make for the "easy" aggregate, is there a way I could set that up for 1 piece of equipment and then see the SQL query for it that its...
View Article[Forums] PushWoosh
Jean-Pierre Brits wrote: I've got a PW account now, just need to configure it. On the PW side there is a google key. The've also provided me with a PW key. How does this key get in to OutSystems?...
View Article[Forums] Column Filter Widget and RichWidgets List_SortColumn
Hello Eduardo. I know that I have a bug there that I didn't solve yet :( Would you like to contribute to it?
View Article[Forums] Mandatory attributes
Arco van der Velden wrote: Nelson Inácio wrote: It's strange, I already had situations where I add a mandatory field and when try to update with a process executed outside of crud screen, gives...
View Article[Forums] Error Deserializing ViewState
Hi, I've detected the same error after deployment a new release of an application. Should the end-users have to reload the previously opened application pages after each new deployment? Cheers, José...
View Article[Forums] Column Filter Widget and RichWidgets List_SortColumn
Hello Pedro, i already notice this behaviour some time ago. What i've been doing is to use only one widget (columns with the column filter don't allow sorting and vice-versa), never both! Sometimes...
View Article[Forums] Mandatory attributes
Nelson Inácio wrote: Arco van der Velden wrote: Nelson Inácio wrote: It's strange, I already had situations where I add a mandatory field and when try to update with a process executed outside of crud...
View Article[Forge] RSS
RSS is a lightweight XML format for distributing news headlines and other content on the Web. This solutions provides a no-frills way to read and write RSS feeds, using three simple concepts (Feeds,...
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