This topic is almost 2 years old but I'm currently having the problem described here. I've read all the topic.
I'm aware that the final solution that worked was to manually create in Integration Studio the table to be imported, but I'm trying the first solution, which is to increase the timeout of the HTTP request.
First, I'm using Integration Studio which is the most recent version, with Windows 7 64-bit.
In my laptop I have several .Net framework versions, 32-bit and 64-bit:
Since I didn't know which of these versions was being used by Integration Studio, although I suppose is 2.0, I changed in all of the those versions, in the file "machine.config", the "executionTimeout" as so:
<httpRuntime executionTimeout="1200" maxRequestLength="640000" />
Although I did that, the timeout in Integration Studio would still be reached at 10 minutes, instead of 20 minutes (1200 seconds) which was what I was expecting.
Didn't know if it was necessary but I rebooted the laptop after making changes to the several files "machine.config".
Any suggestions on what am I doing wrong here?