[Forums] Editable Widget Table - Change position of "Add Record"
Hi all, Is it possible to change the position of "Add Record" button in an editable widget table? I want to change it to the top right corner, inside the header. Something like this: I need this...
View Article[Forums] Unable to pass the field names
Hi Hugo, I have created a test module to use this advanced filter and attaching the same here. Please review and let me know what I am doing wrong here.
View Article[Forums] Feedback Message Delayed
probably both. not sure about the bug thing, but really, a popup on top of a popup is in my book a big No-no. we're not creating old school windows modal dialog applications..
View Article[Forums] Feedback Message Delayed
Not exactly a modal dialog situation, but I understand what you are saying. Thanks for the advice.
View Article[Forums] How to validate Combo Boxes outside of a form
Yeah, maybe I should just do a manual, server side validation, checking if the variable is 0. I was just wondering if I could make the client side validation to work. Again Mr. Hekuis, thank you so...
View Article[Forums] Vertical Sizing
Hi, is there a way to set the vertical height of the calendar to be a percentage? I would like to have the calendar take up 100% of the screens height and adjust dynamically like it does horizontally.
View Article[Forums] Timeout in Integration Studio
Hello! This topic is almost 2 years old but I'm currently having the problem described here. I've read all the topic. I'm aware that the final solution that worked was to manually create in...
View Article[Forums] Unable to pass the field names
Hello, what are you now seeing in the popup screen? any field or still the old ones? can you also send a screenshot of what you are seeing? Best Regards
View Article[Forums] Unable to pass the field names
Hi Hugo, I have already attached oml in my message earlier. Are you able to open it ? I still see the example fields eventhough I am initializing and sending the new fields to the popup as the input....
View Article[Forums] More Charts FORGE
Hi Jose, Can you post a screenshot of what you mean? Where does it "calls 9.0"? I just installed it into my personal environment (that is in the latest version: 9.1.301.0) and had no problems...
View Article[Forums] More Charts FORGE
You can actually see the test page working from my personal: https://my.outsystemscloud.com/MoreCharts/
View Article[Forums] Timeout in Integration Studio
are there many tables? for me it helped to create a "view" of the database which contained less tables. then the import went much smoother
View Article[Forums] Timeout in Integration Studio
Hi tiago, There are 2 timeouts problems: One is at the Integration Studio side, on your machine. You can check the defaults on those in the file at C:\Program Files\OutSystems\Integration Studio...
View Article[Forums] More Charts FORGE
João, thanks for your quick answer...allow me to explain the steps: 1. I have installed studio 9.0 and 9.1 2. My personal is 9.1 platform. 3. I look for "More Charts" in forge and try to install... 4....
View Article[Forums] More Charts FORGE
Hi Jose Two ways: 1. Open Service Studio 9.1 and in the Environment menu option (top left corner), choose "Open File...". If the file you are trying to sen to your envionment is an application (.oap...
View Article[Forums] Site Properties
I was wondeirng how to add site properties to an application. I am trying to integrate a Google Maps API. As I follow their walk-through its states I need to add a API key to the site properties. I...
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