Hello Ravi,
Ravi: "Do you have any example to implement this feature."
- Geo Performance use this component, you can download it and use as an exemple
Ravi: "Can we click on any country to link to popup info object ?"
- Yes, you can
Ravi: "How to pass parameters between map and popup info object ?"
- See how Geo Performance do that
Ravi: "Is this forge component not licensed for commercial use ?"
- Probably you'll need a license for commercial use, see this
Ravi: "Do you have any example to implement this feature."
- Geo Performance use this component, you can download it and use as an exemple
Ravi: "Can we click on any country to link to popup info object ?"
- Yes, you can
Ravi: "How to pass parameters between map and popup info object ?"
- See how Geo Performance do that
Ravi: "Is this forge component not licensed for commercial use ?"
- Probably you'll need a license for commercial use, see this