[Forums] NavigationBar not switching styles (Active/Inactive)
I'm trying to implement the SilkUI NaviationBar. I have placed the NavigationBar widget on a weblock and added the links. However, when using the bar they all display inactive, even when I access the...
View Article[Forums] Font and colors
Hi, Click on a page and see it attributes below. There is one called Style Sheet, double click on it and you can see the CSS for that page. Inside that CSS there is this property where you can change...
View Article[Forums] Debugging across eSpaces does not always work?
Thanks. That makes sense. I'll give that a try. We have .NET instalation.
View Article[Forums] Working with scheduled jobs in the OutSystems Agile Platform
Luis Camarena wrote: Very detailed article. We have an application that must run a scheduled task at 1 minute past the hour. Based on figure B, the intervals are every 15 minutes. Is there a way to...
View Article[Forums] HTTP Header
The HTTP header on two separate servers with the same version of OutSystems are different. One has the X-Frame-Options set to SAMEORIGIN while the other does not has this header at all. Where is the...
View Article[Forums] Input Calendar - all grayed out, bug?
Robert, can you tell me which version of the Platfrom are you running and experiencing that problem? There was an old bug that affected datepickers inside forms in devices with touchscreen enabled....
View Article[Forums] Input Calendar - all grayed out, bug?
Messias, I was using The latest update fixed this calendar input issue.
View Article[Forums] Input Calendar - all grayed out, bug?
Cool, it seems that it was actually that bug that was fixed in the meantime. Glad to hear that you've been able to overcome the problem! ;)
View Article[Forums] ListBox
Hi guys i am new here trying to use a listbox but it requires that i set selection attribute and i have no idea what that is. please help tnx in advance
View Article[Forums] ListBox
Welcome David. Is a Boolean attribute to register is selected. You can add a Boolean structure in the source of your data in its Agregate for example. See the images: --Traduzido By google translate .--
View Article[Forums] Call server side function using javascript
Hello All, How to call server side method using javascript, after some time of interval?I am able to call javascript method after some interval, but how to call server side method?
View Article[Forums] Call server side function using javascript
Keep a button on your page and hide it using display none , raise click event of the button from javascript or you can also try fake notify widget to achieve this. Regards -PJ-
View Article[Forums] How to Create Recursive Function ?
Hello, In my table, I have an attribute Index. Whenever I am creating new record, I am assigning value to Index as TableLength + 1. I was getting Index number for every record as 1,2,3,4..... Problem...
View Article[Forums] How to Create Recursive Function ?
What if you don't delete the record? Use the auto-increment to get all the ids sequential. Create an isDeleted attribute to mark the ones deleted (instead of really deleting them) Query for the first...
View Article[Forums] Font and colors
Hi Viegas, I went through the CSS and i noticed this for the loading bar.#cd-loading-bar.Page1{background-color: #d35657;} #cd-loading-bar.Page2 {background-color: #343943;} #cd-loading-bar.Page3...
View Article[Forums] Highlight countries with markers
Hello Ravi,Ravi: "Do you have any example to implement this feature." - Geo Performance use this component, you can download it and use as an exempleRavi: "Can we click on any country to link to popup...
View Article[Forge] Image Toolbox
This Extension wraps some of the tools available in the open source image manipulation suite ImageMagick (version 6.9.0).
View Article[Forums] HTTP Header
Hi Stanley, In the instalation checklist there is a recommendation to configure that header in IIS. See the Installation Checklist under the "Making your system more secure" section. My guess is that...
View Article[Forums] Highlight countries with markers
I haven't tried the World Map component, but it seems very nice and the price isn't that high. Don't forget that even Google Maps may require a commercial license depending on the type of use.
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