[Forums] How to obtain the mime or html of an email??
Hello Oliver and Alexandre, We are now trying to integrate wil Mailgun as well. But no success so far. Were you able to make it? We want to use Mailgun for trasactional email and make sure emails land...
View Article[Forums] How to obtain the mime or html of an email??
Hi Hugo I've integrated with MailGun, but with SMTP (and webhooks to be notified when the recipient opens the email). I'd like to have integration with API to have more control over the email (send...
View Article[Forums] Pagination of RESTful API Response
Hello Stanley, As for the scafolding that is done by dragging an entity to screen, keep in mind that all the magic that happens on the created screen can be achieved by hand. All the components used...
View Article[Forums] Internal error :: Java heap space Error while publishing OSP
Hello! Have you tried to reach out for support. They are your best chance to get help. Pedro
View Article[Forums] Training Webinar: Server-side performance bottlenecks
Thank you Joana. I guess I was looking at the wrong location, since Ricardo said: "it will be available in the /Learn page." ;-)
View Article[Forums] Missing Templates
Also if you choose a 'blank template' for your first module (such as for a data-only module) - you'll never be able to get your standard list of templates back. This is definitely either bad design, or...
View Article[Forums] Change company name in profile
Hello,I have the same problem, to me the error is the following: "The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.".How can I accomplish this...
View Article[Forums] REST API RAW POST
Hi Guys, I'm trying to send a PDF to a target php file with the REST API. By creating a RAW post text I can send paramaters and the file in one request to the target page. The PDF is on ANSI encoding...
View Article[Forums] Freeze Pane blocks filters in IE
Hello, We are using Freeze Panes in our application and it is working fine for the most part and in Firefox we have no problems at all with it. In IE 9 or 11 we, however, face some problems. We use it...
View Article[Forums] Missing Templates
Daniel, Have you noticed this on all of the versions of Outsystems? One of my team members was working on an app and they asked me a similar question that you posted. So we are waiting to see the...
View Article[Forums] Missing Templates
I've been working around this quirk with version 8 and 9 (since I started using outsystems). As I mentioned the work around is to make a temporary application, create your module with the appropriate...
View Article[Forums] Missing Templates
Not the most fun work around.. But hey as long as it works, we will use it. Thanks Daniel.
View Article[Forums] Pagination of RESTful API Response
The RESTful API does not support pagination. Do you have an example of one which supports pagination? Thanks, Stanley
View Article[Forums] How to obtain the mime or html of an email??
Thank you Oliver! For starters I just implemented the SMTP version of it. I'll check that will help making sure our emails get through. I'll let you know once we change it to the API version. Cheers,...
View Article[Forums] SharePoint 2013 REST
Has anybody successfully consumed SharePoint 2013 REST services? It's been suggested to me that I look at OAuthSample but nothing in that makes any sense. And besides; I want to use REST out of the...
View Article[Forums] Highlight countries with markers
Magda Pereira wrote: Hello Ravi,Ravi: "Do you have any example to implement this feature." - Geo Performance use this component, you can download it and use as an exempleRavi: "Can we click on any...
View Article[Forums] Highlight countries with markers
Welcome, Ravi. You don't need to instal Geo Performance to see it. You can open the Geo Performance oap as a zip file and extract the oml, with this approach you can check how it's done :) Hope this...
View Article[Forums] Upload an Excel sheet automatically twice a day
Suraj Borade wrote: Hi J, Can you please demonstrate with an example? Suppose I have stored an excel on D drive, everyday at 4:00 pm, I want o upload it's contetns to database. Thanks and Regards,...
View Article[Forums] Upload an Excel sheet automatically twice a day
There is no problem for me to set a macro or a task in Windows. I'll try to figure it out the rest ! Regards, Jean Trudeau
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