[Forums] What will happen?
Hello fuliang wei, It's not hard to try that on your own Personal Environment, but since the Button Widget property Visible affects the actual HTML rendering of that button, Enter will simply not work....
View Article[Forums] Send email without email configuration
Hi vinodhini sri, The employee name is the identifier in your entity "Employee details"?
View Article[Forums] First tab content overlays next ones
Hi, I'm using tabs on Tokyo theme and it seems there is a bug on tablet/phone layout. Content of the tab where ListRecords are placed is overlaying next tabs when is not active. The difference is that...
View Article[Forums] Give us your opinion in this OutSystems Forums Survey
Hi Justin, Thanks so much for your input. As always very specific and constructive. Following the survey, we will be doing a round of improvements to the forums experience that will clear some of...
View Article[Forums] [SILKUI] Modal Popup Closes when user clicks outside the Modal
can we stop modal to get closed when clicked outside. Can we achive this anyhow because its a blocker to the application. Or any work around is available ? Or if we can override / change the javascripts
View Article[Forums] How to Format DateTime
Please how do I format a DateTime Variable to UTC format? Example, I have a datetime in this format 2016-03-22 09:53:20. I want to format it to this 2016-03-22T09:53:20.962865+02:00
View Article[Forums] How to Format DateTime
Try this component, maybe it can help you. It has a method ConvertToUTC that probaly is what you're looking for.
View Article[Forums] Accessing an Intersystems Cache database
Hi Tommy, You can wrap this dll in a platform extension using integration studio. There you will be able to open your extension code in visual studio and import the dll into it.
View Article[Forums] Modal widget - features and bugs
Hello Sunny, Those suggestions were added to our backlog to further analysis and prioritization. However, as a workaround you can copy the pattern to your application and change it to your needs. Best...
View Article[Forums] [SILKUI] Modal Popup Closes when user clicks outside the Modal
Hello Sunny, I already answered this question on your other post. Best Regards, Samuel Jesus
View Article[Forums] Outsystems Now install additional plugins error -...
I was trying to add "cordova-plugin-zeroconf" plugin to OutsystemsNow project for Android:? Outsystems cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-zeroconf But this gives an error:Fetching plugin...
View Article[Forums] Combo box doesn't respect default value when no item is selected
Hi Samuel, If you have records with an Id of 0 coming from the database, you have a serious problem. The OutSystems Platform is not set up to deal with this. Not only in this specific case you'll have...
View Article[Forums] Apply Custom Colors to Silk UI Patterns
Hello Rene, Thank you for the feedback. I'm adding this suggestionsto our backlog for further analysis. Cheers, Samuel Jesus
View Article[Forums] Environment update keeps running
I started the new update of the environment over an hour ago and it is still running. Anyone who knows how long is normal for this? Before updating there was an error in the deployment service. (red...
View Article[Forums] Validate Date inputs
Hi Pradip, 1) To disable to type into datepicker, just disable the textbox associated with it. 2) You can use masks to achieve this (like CustomMask or InputMask) 3) You should implement this...
View Article[Forums] Environment update keeps running
oh sorry... closed.... .service studio works now. Site still says updating.. Problem solved.
View Article[Forums] HOw to detect browser close button click
Well.. I'm not sure you can detect browser click event. But you can workaround this by detecting the unload event that is triggered by closing the browser (see this link). Why would you want that anyway?
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