[Forums] custom interface generation
i am using a list record in a webcreen. i created a webblock with all the logic. placed the web bclock in a list record in the print screen. the issue is that the dynamic url to the print screen is...
View Article[Forums] connect to environment
I assume you are using the Personal Edition in the Outsystems cloud, right? Â If so, do the following. Â I will also assume you created your personal area by following the instructions and creating...
View Article[Forums] HOw to detect browser close button click
I want to call a event on click of browers close / tab close button. How to detect that button close click and where to call the event.
View Article[Forums] foreign key usage
Hello Hemalatha, I believe that you want to create a "one-to-one relationship" between the Person and the File entities, meaning that each Person will have one (and one only) File, is that correct? If...
View Article[Academy] 5.1 Integrating a jQuery Plugin
Hi Gonçalo, sorry for the late answer. I've just made the changes that I describe in my post. The carousel is working with autorool. you can now add the controls to go forward and backward using...
View Article[Forums] Does Outsystems Platform automatically calculate function points?
Hi, Does Outsystems Platform automatically calculate function points of an application? Is an existing feature?
View Article[Forums] Combo box doesn't respect default value when no item is selected
Thank you for your reply I am not sure if I can solve the problem by merely test for 0 or NullIdentifier() because the thing is, that when the combo box is populated, I actually have a record with the...
View Article[Forums] MSSQL Text data type
I am using an extension to connect to an exsiting MSSQL database, in one of the table there is column of text data type, which cannot be used with any text function in the aggregate filters. Is there a...
View Article[Forums] SilkUI LoadOnVisible usage
Hi, I'm trying to get infinite scroll to work, but I'm having performance issues... see my page here: ? It perfoms fine on a desktop browser (loading 10 at...
View Article[Forums] Hive Charts
Heard that there is a new hive chart, is there any documentation or tutorials?
View Article[Forums] Validate Date inputs
Hello All, I have used inbuilt datepicker controls as start date and end date on form. I want to validate 1]Unable to type into date picker. on click open calendar and thenselect date 2]Or Type only...
View Article[Forums] Change Required Field Message
Hello All, Can we change required field message to custmize message. eg I have two rows as following Name. Mob No. I have declared both fields mandatory on button click I have set validation...
View Article[Forums] Translation of role description
Hello, You can translate the description of outsystems roles in de multilungial locale table, but why you don't get the transalation of this description when you query the roles? I need the translation...
View Article[Forums] What does it do?
Could you please provide some (detail) information on what this component does? And please fix the 'Try now' link as well because all it does is refer back to the same page on the forge.
View Article[Forums] What will happen?
Hello everyone, If I set my default botton's Visible to be false, When I put the Enter on the page, anything will happen?
View Article[Forums] Accessing an Intersystems Cache database
Hi there, I am new to Outsystems, and need some assistance with accessing an Intersystems Cache database. I did all the online training, and am able to extract data from a standalone SQL server, but...
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