[Downloads] Platform Server Connector for JBoss 5 EAP
This is a Release Candidate version, made available during its maturation period for the Community's convenience. Unless this version fixes problems that are highly affecting you, it shouldn't be...
View Article[Downloads] Platform Server Connector for JBoss 5 Community
This is a Release Candidate version, made available during its maturation period for the Community's convenience. Unless this version fixes problems that are highly affecting you, it shouldn't be...
View Article[Downloads] Platform Server Connector for JBoss 6 EAP
This is a Release Candidate version, made available during its maturation period for the Community's convenience. Unless this version fixes problems that are highly affecting you, it shouldn't be...
View Article[Downloads] Platform Server Connector for JBoss 7 Community
This is a Release Candidate version, made available during its maturation period for the Community's convenience. Unless this version fixes problems that are highly affecting you, it shouldn't be...
View Article[Downloads] Platform Server Connector for WebLogic
This is a Release Candidate version, made available during its maturation period for the Community's convenience. Unless this version fixes problems that are highly affecting you, it shouldn't be...
View Article[Forums] ERROR to get connectio to Environment
Hi Mário, It looks like something is wrong with you personal environment. I suggest you send an email to support@outsystems.com asking for help.
View Article[Forums] DeviceFeatures\SaveFile webblock: how to save file in a different...
Hello Pedro. The way that the SaveFile WebBlock is implemented won’t allow you to provide that kind of paths. It just expects the Filename. To achieve what you want you’ll have to change the SaveFile...
View Article[Forums] Icon not visible on mobile view
Hi Abhi, Thanks for your feedback. In fact you've run into a limitation of our responsive apps. Only the text contents are kept when you open a table in a small screen, not images. A possible...
View Article[Forums] Icon not visible on mobile view
Thank You Sara Cruz. Appreciate it!! Will try the suggested workaround
View Article[Forums] Getting Error Message: The URI Is Empty
Hi, Having same problem here. How to get the full URL? The one which I have used is "https://na30.salesforce.com/" Please suggest if there is a way to know the service version so that I can use the...
View Article[Forums] Is the outsystem platform the tool for what I want to accomplish
Okay... I will be completely honest. I have no computer programming or website design background. I am a simple user. However, I think I have a brilliant idea for a web and smartphone app that I...
View Article[Forums] Themes Templates
Hi,I noticed that none of the downloadable themes templates has the template preview in the eSpace. That is something that would be very usefull. Is there any other place in the forge where I can...
View Article[Forums] Is the OutSystems Platform the tool for what I want to accomplish?
Okay... I will be completely honest. I have no computer programming or website design background. I am a simple user. However, I think I have a brilliant idea for a web and smartphone app that I...
View Article[Forums] iDP Connect for OutSystems applications
Hi, Curious about the espaces. Basically I can merge IDP with my own espace (since I already provided the SingleLogoutService and other urls to my own pages? I have to provide a signed metadata.xml for...
View Article[Forums] Is the OutSystems Platform the tool for what I want to accomplish?
Hey Katheryne, Thank you for posting and sharing some context. If you have no programming experience and assuming you would be the one developing the app, I believe it would be hard (in this or any...
View Article[Academy] 6.1 Create Reusable Page Elements
I have the attached error. Can you help me?
View Article[Academy] 6.1 Create Reusable Page Elements
As the error indicates, Lenght is not a function. You misspelled it. The function you want is Length. Cheers
View Article[Forums] Alt attribute for images
Hi, I wonder why alt attribute of an image is grayed out in my ServiceStudio 9. When I look at your home page (https://www.outsystems.com/), section Trusted by Global Companies I see that you don't use...
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