[Forums] how to assign text variable by reference ?
I am trying to register a variable to receive a control from a component. How can I assign a text reference variable to the parameter to control my component. I use this way to decouple code and to...
View Article[Forums] Error in login
Hi Ricardo, I looks like that you are not able to login because your eSpace is not using Users as user provider. Change the user provider from (current eSpace) to Users and try again. Kind regards,...
View Article[Academy] 1.3 Scaffolding Detail Screen
Olá. Pode explicar pf. o significado de "Scaffolding"? Só encontro a tradução "andaime", e não entendo o contexto? O que seria então "Scaffolding Detail Screen"? Montar uma página de detalhe?
View Article[Forums] Empty users list
Hi Mykola, I'm sorry for the not-so-quick reply this time. Yes, that's right, by disabling the chat in that button you are simply not injecting the scripts on every application. By referencing the...
View Article[Forums] Alt attribute for images
Hi Julian, You need to drag the image to a screen thus creating an instance and it should have available the propertie Title. That property will be the alt attribute of the instance of the image. When...
View Article[Forums] Error invalidating espace caches
Hi Patrice, Have you tried going into the machine where lifetime is installed and restarting OutSystems services as well as do a IIS Reset? If the problem persists and you are using an Enterpise...
View Article[Forums] Server Error
Hi Nandhini, If you're still facing issues with your personal environment please send that by email to success@outsystems.com. Cheers, Guilherme
View Article[Forums] Cloud Personal Environment x local Oracle database
Hi Darcio, Because you have no way of accessing tnsnames in a personal environment you need to use a connection string with a format that doesn't require it. i suggest using with this format or try the...
View Article[Forums] how to assign text variable by reference ?
Hi Luciano, In OutSystems variables are passed by value (except recordlist / list). Without further context is hard to give you a good tip but I'd suggest using either a RL or List with only a text...
View Article[Forums] Cloud Personal Environment x local Oracle database
Hi Guilherme. I understood that well so LOCALHOST is not better approach to server name. I will perform some tests about this. Thank you very much. Regards. DARCIO DOMINGUES
View Article[Forums] how to assign text variable by reference ?
Hi Guilherme, if I send a text input field to write inside the webblock. Is it possible ?
View Article[Academy] 1.3 Scaffolding Detail Screen
Carlos Pires wrote: Olá. Pode explicar pf. o significado de "Scaffolding"? Só encontro a tradução "andaime", e não entendo o contexto? O que seria então "Scaffolding Detail Screen"? Montar uma página...
View Article[Forums] Cloud Personal Environment x local Oracle database
Dear Guilherme. Unfortunately, after spending the whole sunday around this ... I can tell you that I could not to get any successful connection from any Oracle database.. I tried several different...
View Article[Forums] SaltedMD5Hash in Javascript
Hi, I'm doing an offline application in Outsystems 9.1 bali and I want to implement the salted md5 hash using only the javascript. I can't seem to find a hash generator that is similar to this kind of...
View Article[Forums] Display a table record list, where initial page is the page of a...
Hello Everyone, Hoping that you could help me on this one. Thank you. Christopher
View Article[Academy] 1.3 Scaffolding Detail Screen
Olá João na área educacional Scaffolding são técnicas para o aprendizado, na plataforma são ações automáticas realizadas pela plataforma para implementar determinado recurso já conhecido como por...
View Article[Academy] 1.3 Scaffolding Detail Screen
Hello Leon for me is ok, can you test using another web browser? It's important that all slides are working ok.
View Article[Forums] how to assign text variable by reference ?
Hi Luciano let me understand exactly what you want. Do you want to dynamically create objects on the screen? If yes you can create a webblock with visual "if", put into this webblock all components...
View Article[Forums] How to change the default language of an application.
But how to back to default language? I mean , to default languge , what is the parameter locale to input?
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