[Ideas] Variable Max. Length of input box
[Ideas] Basic Authentication to Consume SOAP Web Service
I have a web address that requires a username and password to access the WSDL. (Basic Authentication)
Therefore, I cannot consume the SOAP Web Service directly within OutSystems (Integrations -> SOAP -> Consume SOAP Web Service)
I have to create a local copy of the WSDL and save it locally including EVERY XSD within the WSDL. I then have to manually map the WSDL to the local XSD's.
Then I consume the LOCAL WSDL and all works.
Extremely time consuming for large WSDLs.
We want to use the 'Consume SOAP Web Service' and simply pass in the username and password (optional)
[Ideas] Platform mechanism to prevent button double-clicking
It's always a problem when users click on buttons more than once, duplicating server requests.
There are solutions for both client and server-side.
[Ideas] Re-use a screenaction within a screen
Now you need to create a public action if you want to reuse a screen action.
Would be nice to have something like "public" screen actions
[Ideas] 'Comment out' shortcut like Chrome's (Ctrl + /)
It would be nice to be able to comment out Javascript and/or CSS lines the same way Chrome Inspector can do, with a Ctrl + '/' combination.
In addition, the new comment out feature in 11 is great, but it would be even nicer and faster if you could comment out part of the selected logic with a shortcut (like Ctrl + '/').
[Ideas] Make the Dublin template more "configurable"
It would be great to have some site properties to give more flexibility over the template without having to customize it. For instance: define the width of the normal menu.
[Ideas] [ServiceStudio] Add the ability to create a REST API documentation for multiple web services, (not just 1 web service)
When you EXPOSE a REST web service, and set Documentation property to "yes", you will be able to access your web service documentation via
Sometimes you might add multiple web services under a single eSpaces, now if you want to view all REST API documentation, the documentation should be available at
(It would be even better if we could just combine and edit multiple API documentation from various eSpaces.)
[Ideas] Change the type of widget
I think to an entry on the right clik menu, executed over an input widget placed on an edit record panel, that convert it into another type (e.g. from Input type to a label and in this case also to permit asuming a default value, for example Curent Date and Time, or Id of the id of the logged in user, or simply a constant value, or to convert from Input to CheckBox).
[Ideas] Show all Aggregate functions in Group By for all fields
Please more completely associate available aggregate functions in Group By Aggregates. For example, MAX() is an available aggregate function to be used on text/varchar fields in SQL Server, but is not an option in the Aggregate editor on Text columns.
Additionally, please add all the options for aggregates, including MAX, VAR, COUNT DISTINCT, etc as indicated here:
I understand the desire to limit options that could cause an error. For example, if we chose AVG on a text field, we'd get "Operand data type nvarchar is invalid for avg operator." And that's OK. That's definitely MORE ok, than requiring us to go into an advanced SQL to get an AVG(). That's way more work and prone to error and increased maintenance if we change the data model.
For more see the original post regarding this issue:
[Ideas] SQL Function
On some projects I'm facing the need to maintain a piece of SQL that I share accross some queries and espaces, or even to create code that Its still not supported by current SQL Server version (SQL string split for instance).
Would be really nice to be able to create a SQL function directly from the platform, where we can reference our own tables.
Example how to create it:
How it could look like:
Best regards
[Ideas] Links in the Kudos / Components / Posts in the member page
In user profile we can see how many components, kudos and posts in forge a people developed but not possible going to and see this information.
For example, when I access the profile of a member of the community I realize that he has already developed 19 components in Forge (as in the image below).
But since the labels are not links I can not click and see what components this member has created. I think that would be quite interesting.
[Ideas] Service studio navigate on the applications list with keyboard arrows
The changes made on release 10.0.815.0 on the applications list screen is very handy and is a big time saver.
But in my opinion it's are missing a small detail after we search for an application name we should be able to navigate on the results with the keyboard arrows and when we reach the application hit enter to open it.
When service studio applications list open the focus is in the search bar and allow us to start typing but then we need to use the mouse to select the application.
If this is implemented will allow users to open the application without moving the hands from the keyboard.
[Ideas] Make sending of mail RFC 821 compliant. (greylisting.org)
Error sending email 1504: 451 4.7.1 message delayed, see http://www.greylisting.org ; Please try again later
Outsystems should try to send the mail at a later time when sending mail to an agent which has greylisting.org implemented.
[Ideas] Forge - Separate the "Component" from the "Demo"
The Demos in Forge projects take up a TON of SUs/AOs. But if you delete the demos after installing, the next time you upgrade the component you get the demo code again.
Solution: have the component author upload a demo (OAP, OML, or OSP) separately from the component itself (OAP, OML, OSP, or XIF). Then allow the Forge user a choice of "Download Component Only" or "Download Component + Demo".
To make this better, add a "Project" that is similar to an OSP, but can contain Applications as well. That way, the Demo can be a separate Application from the Component, and they can be delivered together in one download. A level above "Application" has been requested a few times already.
[Ideas] Keep track of deprecated/renamed Forge components
Hi all,
I was searching a Forge component that I used on previous projects, and I realized that OutSystems does not keep track of old/renamed Forge components.
My idea is to allow to deprecate a component, but keep the catalogue page active with that indication, as well as the link to the new/renamed component, when applicable.
[Ideas] Description Notes in the Version List
[Ideas] button refresh preview data
add buttom refresh preview data
[Ideas] Select more than 2 items at the same time
It would be nice if we could select all the elements we wanted to.
[Ideas] New Application Version Notification and Update
If I have applications installed from Forge like "SilkUI Framework" or "Google Maps", Service Center and\or Service Studio could notify me if there are newer versions available.
This way Forge would work like a real App Store and notify the users each time a new version of an app is available, and with a click we could instantly update those apps.
This option should be configurable from Service Center \ LifeTime.
[Ideas] [Lifetime] Retry deployment on failure
Please add a magical button to retry a failed deployment.
It would be a time-saver to not have to create a new staging, validate the plan again and re-deploy.