Today platform only allows SOAP 1.1 but many time there are services in SOAP 1.2 and sould be good to support it.
[Ideas] Implementation of SOAP 1.2 support for web services
[Ideas] Google Tag Manager cordova plugin (using firebase SDK)
It would be nice to have an out of the box forge component for using Google Tag Manager implemented with the latest SDK (firebase).
[Ideas] [Service Studio] Alert/Warning if a Webblock is not Public and if it's not in use
It would be nice if Service Studio displays a Warning if a Webblock is not Public and if it's not in use.
[Ideas] Static Entity: Import records from Excel
Just like you can import records from the database, add a feature to import records directly from an excel file.
[Ideas] Destination to an Entry Point
Allow to select an Entry Point in the Destination node used in server actions, as well as in links and buttons.
[Ideas] Automatically set Comment as reminder by prefix
When I create a comment, it would be nice if there was an automatic way to set it as a reminder. For instance, if I use a specific prefix like "TODO:" or "FEATURE:" it would always be set as a reminder, and show up in the TRUECHANGE list!
[Ideas] Passar como parâmetro o style
Para tanto faria o seguinte:
1) criaria um Add Input Parameter - tipo texto com o nome do style seleciondado pelo usuário
2) no meu form eu colocaria um dropdown com o nome do style para ser impresso
3) no campo style, por exemplo de uma tabela, eu poderia colocar a variável criada e ai seria o style que o usuário escolheu.
Espero que gostem da idéia.
[Ideas] Preview image from forum post
We can add an image on the forum, idea, comment etc.
If we want to see it, We have to download it unnecessarily.
So, It will be a good idea if we click on it, It should open in the popup window with the zoom option (Just like Lightbox).
[Ideas] Search & Replace in Expression Editor
It would be nice to have a search and replace (& replace all) in Expression Editor. In case you have a long expression (Result of a weird api maybe) and have to make a lot of name changes. An example would be cases when the name change doesn't automatically update names.
[Ideas] Prototyping bootstrap from your Design tools
I think it would be great if we could cover more ground up front regarding UI/UX and prototyping. To bridge the gap between design and development.
So my idea would be that your for example Sketch prototype export (CSS & SVG) can be imported into OutSystems to bootstrap your application?
[Ideas] Service Studio Midnight/Dark theme
Looked around but couldn't find anything to suggest this is a duplicate, but let me know if it is.
[Ideas] SLOW SQL in General
To easily analyze slowsql's it would be convenient that,
in case I filter on SLOWSQL (or SLOWEXTENSION) and click on Export
that the export contains 2 extra columns:
Milliseconds (Integer), containing the value which now is withing the 'message' column
ShortMessage: which contains the queryname.
The message is
OMLProcessor.ActivationGetServerMode took 234 ms |
Milliseconds column should contain 234
ShortMessage should contain OMLProcessor.ActivationGetServerMode
[Ideas] [Service Studio] Republish Consumer eSpace within Provider eSpace.
When a provider eSpace is published, it affects the consumer eSpaces. and SS provides a warning "consumer eSpaceName is outdated", but no option to republish the consumer eSpace within the provider eSpace application window.
Please add a new right click option to this warning message to make it easier to republish consumer espaces!
this feature can be useful.
[Ideas] Public access to session variables in a single-sign-on situation
When the single-sign-on pattern is used then all users are shared between the espaces that participate (user producer with user consumer espaces). The session variables are also shared across all unified eSpaces.
But these session variables can’t be easily seen or used within the other espaces.
So, I would like to have the possibility to easily see and access these variables.
[Ideas] Moving an entity to another espace without loosing their data
[Ideas] Image zoom on Mouse over
Hi im creating a web app/databse that includes images as field
i can get agile to store images without any issue but on table /list view it would be great to have a way to zoom images on mouse over
[Ideas] Warnings for uncaught exceptions
Currently if I throw an exception in a server action I can't see wether this exception is caught everywhere in my application.
I wish to see a warning for each of the consumers of this actions if they don't have an exception handler in place for this particular exception. ("all" exception handler is fine too, as long as it's caught when thrown).
[Ideas] Create the possibility that entities from a xif (external db) are read-only somehow
you can set "normal" entities read-only in an espace so you can control the consistency of the data in the espace itself (expose them with actions etc.)
however, you cannot do the same thing with external-xif-entities.
what I like to see you could achieve the same as with "normal" entities.
set them read-only and create actions to CUD them in a designated espace.
Perhaps you can assign a designated espace to it which is allowed to do anything.
and the other espaces only can read those entities in queries.
hope I made myself a bit clear :)
[Ideas] Shortcut to Delete a Variable in an Assign
[Ideas] Create filter by difficulty level on the Learn courses pages
I was searching for a new course to take, but since i´m new in outsystems i would like to do one to my level of knowledge. I´m trying to see which are for beginner level and it would be of much help to be able to filter the courses by difficulty level.